Things I Love Doing


I just love to travel new places, everyone does! Isn’t it? 😍 Taking photos and selfies and doing lots of “shopping.”💕 But Im not a foodie, like people love to try new food…in my case anything is fine, main aim is shopping and enjoying the place hahaha!

☆Reading blogs

Reading blogs, OMG this is one thing I do all the time. Reading about beauty, God and relationships.😊


Well, I do like blogging but these days I feel block head. I find no topics to write on, just soo dumb! Lol. Moreover, Im really busy as I came home to spend time with my parents.😊


Ah! Big big big fan of beauty products! But they should be for acne prone skin😡😢

Foundations, blushers, liners…name anything! Girl’s you can understand what I want to say, right?😄

☆Home remedies for beauty

Yes, every week I try something new from my kitchen for my skin. And they work good! Any problem…ask me il tell you awesome remedies.


I like crafting such stuff. This sheep is a year old so please ignore its damage, LOl.

☆Home decoration

I have done masters in Interior Designing. Home decoration is something I adore! Decorating my house, going to houses which are beautifully decorated and giving them ideas to decorate their place is something I love! I hope you know the difference between designing and decorating, so I have done study in designing which includes decoration as well but these day Im more into decoration rather than designing.

What are the things you love?👱


4 thoughts on “Things I Love Doing

  1. I love everything what is connected to beauty in different forms – outer, inner… I love writing, healing, decorating, every creation which lightens my heart 🙂

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